St David's Catholic Renewal Fellowship SDCRF
Events Setting-up and Clearing-up-Group| Reception and Welcoming Group| Ushers-Group| Hospitality Group| Hosting-Compere-Group| Music Ministry Group| Choir-Group| Eucharistic Minister Group| Video-Projector-Group| Prayer Ministry Team Group| Catchers-Group| Security-Group| Sound-Tech-Recording-Group| Video Recording Group| Photography Group| Information Desk Group| Feedback-Testimonies-Group| Audio-Video-Production-Group| Volunteering Management Group| Speakers-Group| Group Leaders Group| Intercessory-Group| Event Co-Ordinators Group| Administration-Group| Desk Top Publishing Group| Publications Group| Communications Group| WebMinistries-Group| Christian Cinema Club- Group| Planning and Organising Group| FundRaising-Group| Weekly Devotional Prayers Group| Healing Services Group| Empowerment Services Group|


Catcher's may be an unfamiliar term to some of you. At some of our events, when the power of the Holy Spirit comes in a manifest way, during personal ministry, the person being prayed for may experience the love, peace and power of God coming upon them. As this happens, sometimes the person may feel so relaxed they fall under the power of the spirit. Catcher's are used to help esure they fall safely, by helping them.

Being physically strong, you will be working closely with our Prayer Ministry Team, and ensuring that your eyes are fixed and focused on the person you are standing behind at all times. Training will be given for this.

If you would like to help with this work of Charity, then please let us know either by coming to us at our next event, or by attending one of our volunteers meeting, or by completing the following form. Thank you.