St David's Catholic Renewal Fellowship SDCRF
Events Setting-up and Clearing-up-Group| Reception and Welcoming Group| Ushers-Group| Hospitality Group| Hosting-Compere-Group| Music Ministry Group| Choir-Group| Eucharistic Minister Group| Video-Projector-Group| Prayer Ministry Team Group| Catchers-Group| Security-Group| Sound-Tech-Recording-Group| Video Recording Group| Photography Group| Information Desk Group| Feedback-Testimonies-Group| Audio-Video-Production-Group| Volunteering Management Group| Speakers-Group| Group Leaders Group| Intercessory-Group| Event Co-Ordinators Group| Administration-Group| Desk Top Publishing Group| Publications Group| Communications Group| WebMinistries-Group| Christian Cinema Club- Group| Planning and Organising Group| FundRaising-Group| Weekly Devotional Prayers Group| Healing Services Group| Empowerment Services Group|

Hospitality Group

Anyone who can make a Cup of Tea or Coffee can be of great help here. This is about service!

Whereever you see Tea or Coffee listed at one of our events, there is a team of  people preparing them for our guests.

If you can help us please let us know by expressing your interest to us, either in person at one of our events, or by completing the form below. Please provide your contact information so we can get back to you. Thank you for your time and interest in our Mission.