St David's Catholic Renewal Fellowship SDCRF
Events Setting-up and Clearing-up-Group| Reception and Welcoming Group| Ushers-Group| Hospitality Group| Hosting-Compere-Group| Music Ministry Group| Choir-Group| Eucharistic Minister Group| Video-Projector-Group| Prayer Ministry Team Group| Catchers-Group| Security-Group| Sound-Tech-Recording-Group| Video Recording Group| Photography Group| Information Desk Group| Feedback-Testimonies-Group| Audio-Video-Production-Group| Volunteering Management Group| Speakers-Group| Group Leaders Group| Intercessory-Group| Event Co-Ordinators Group| Administration-Group| Desk Top Publishing Group| Publications Group| Communications Group| WebMinistries-Group| Christian Cinema Club- Group| Planning and Organising Group| FundRaising-Group| Weekly Devotional Prayers Group| Healing Services Group| Empowerment Services Group|

Volunteering Management Group

As you can see, One Common Purpose; many skills, many activities, many gifts, many people, all needing managing. This is why we have Penny, our Volunteering Manager, to take care of Volunteering Management. Yet even here, we need people to help her in this role; from recruitment, to development; from welfare to encouragement. These things, that make a more joyful and satisfied volunteer, that will show and shine at our events and gatherings together.

Penny needs people who can help her with these activities, and especially our Monthly Volunteers Meetings at the Cornerstone. From Admin to Hopsitality, from Setting up to Clearing Away.

If you can help with any of these please let us know at either our next event, or volunteers meeting, or by completing the following form. Thanks.