St David's Catholic Renewal Fellowship SDCRF
Events Setting-up and Clearing-up-Group| Reception and Welcoming Group| Ushers-Group| Hospitality Group| Hosting-Compere-Group| Music Ministry Group| Choir-Group| Eucharistic Minister Group| Video-Projector-Group| Prayer Ministry Team Group| Catchers-Group| Security-Group| Sound-Tech-Recording-Group| Video Recording Group| Photography Group| Information Desk Group| Feedback-Testimonies-Group| Audio-Video-Production-Group| Volunteering Management Group| Speakers-Group| Group Leaders Group| Intercessory-Group| Event Co-Ordinators Group| Administration-Group| Desk Top Publishing Group| Publications Group| Communications Group| WebMinistries-Group| Christian Cinema Club- Group| Planning and Organising Group| FundRaising-Group| Weekly Devotional Prayers Group| Healing Services Group| Empowerment Services Group|


All of our events and activities are Free to those who come along to them. We believe in this principle, in not to charge any monies at the entrance, but rather to rely on the generous donations of those who have to cover the costs for those who have little or no money.

Our eveangelising mission does however have ongoing costs and we aim to raise the monies needed to run effective events; this also includes the associated costs to publicise them and to pay the heating and lighting as well as all the associated prinitng costs. In addition to this any outside Speakers invite to epak at our events need to have their time and travel costs paid, as well as any related accomodation costs.

With this in mind, we have a FundRaising Strategy and Plan, which is surrently being produced.

Led by Chioma, our Fundraising manager, you could help her raise the funds needed for a successful and sustainable mission here in the heart of our city.

Activities could involve a Bazaar, a sponsored activity, or presentations, where you may be able to help, even with collections, etc...

If you can help Chioma, then please get back to us, either at our next event, or volunteers meeting, or by completing the form below. Thanks.