St David's Catholic Renewal Fellowship SDCRF
Events Setting-up and Clearing-up-Group| Reception and Welcoming Group| Ushers-Group| Hospitality Group| Hosting-Compere-Group| Music Ministry Group| Choir-Group| Eucharistic Minister Group| Video-Projector-Group| Prayer Ministry Team Group| Catchers-Group| Security-Group| Sound-Tech-Recording-Group| Video Recording Group| Photography Group| Information Desk Group| Feedback-Testimonies-Group| Audio-Video-Production-Group| Volunteering Management Group| Speakers-Group| Group Leaders Group| Intercessory-Group| Event Co-Ordinators Group| Administration-Group| Desk Top Publishing Group| Publications Group| Communications Group| WebMinistries-Group| Christian Cinema Club- Group| Planning and Organising Group| FundRaising-Group| Weekly Devotional Prayers Group| Healing Services Group| Empowerment Services Group|

Volunteering Groups

There are different ways to help us in our events, activities and the background planning and organising that takes place behind the scenes.

The list above shows different areas you may wish to help us with, and you may find yourself drawn to a few of these.

Each option above explains a bit more about what is involved and the skills you may need to carry them out.

Please browse through the options above, and take a look at which one(s) you are able to do and let us know you want to help by completing the form associated with it. Alternatively, come along to our activities, or Volunteers Meeting where we can explore these in person.

Thank you so much for considering helping us in our Evangelising Mission, in bringing the Good News and the knowledge of God's Love to our society.

If you know someone who could help with any of the above please let them know about us and ask them to take a look or to come to one of our events or activities.